Publicated: 27 Jan, 2017

Keynote speakers at Women’s Health course

Three VIP guest speakers from the Netherlands and Canada to officially open and close the three-day Women’s Health course that takes place from January 30th through February 1st, 2017, at Erasmus MC.

Drs. Angelique Berg, Director-General of the Dutch Ministry of Health will give the opening lecture about ‘Gender in Medicine: the viewpoint of the Ministry of Health‘. Subsequently, Dr. Radjesh Manna from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) will talk about ‘Gender & health: the viewpoint of Dutch Research Council’.

The opening and closing lectures of the course will be open for all colleagues at Erasmus MC, as follows:

Monday, January 30th, 10.00-11.00 hrs.

Opening of the course by Drs. Angelique Berg, Director-General of the Dutch Ministry of Health. She will talk about ‘Gender in Medicine: the viewpoint of the Ministry of Health’. Subsequently, Dr. Radjesh Manna from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) will talk about ‘Gender & health: the viewpoint of Dutch Research Council’.

Wednesday, February 1st, 16.15-17.00 hrs.

Closure of the course by our keynote lecturer; Professor Cara Tannenbaum, director of the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health, Montréal, Canada. She will talk about ‘Women’s health and ageing’.

Register here to follow the whole three-day course.

The Women’s Health organizing committee:
Dr. Maryam Kavousi
Dr. Jeanine Roeters van Lennep
Dr. Hans Duvekot
Professor Eric Boersma
Professor Oscar Franco

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